The Geneva Capital Group network (GCG) is quickly expanding with some 30 member firms worldwide and various candidate firms in the process of joining from Europe, North America and further regions. GCG is a global network of M&A advisory firms whose members can participate in the GGI events and projects in order to foster business-exchange opportunities and deal-sourcing between GCG and GGI members.
Further to the successful meetings held in 2017 and 2018, GCG members could meet again in occasion of this year’s GGI World Conference in Buenos Aires.
The programme started on Friday afternoon with a session of the GGI M&A Practice Group led by Tim van der Meer (Marktlink Fusies & Overnames B.V., The Netherlands) as Global Chair of the PG and a member of the GCG Strategic Committee. The GCG delegates were also invited to join the GGI members in the evening for the Open House dinner in the Palacio Duhau.
The Saturday morning featured the main GCG conference session, opened by a welcome speeche by Tim van der Meer, and welcoming some 60 participants, including many members of GGI with strong interest in M&A. Various presentations took place during this session.
First speaker of the day was Robert Thompson (Ward Hadaway, UK) who provided an overview about “Preventing loss of deal value on a sale - an M&A lawyers perspective”.
The session continued with a panel discussion on “Big Personalities in Dealmaking”, welcoming on stage Elisabeth Colson (Devry Smith Frank LLP, Canada), Steven Humphries (McCabe Curwood, Australia) and Doug Nix (Stillwater Capital Corporation, Canada). Various aspects of this topic were covered revealing interesting insights about different possible approaches to deal’s counterparties.
The panel session was followed by a presentation delivered by Michael Reiss von Filski, Chairman of the GCG Strategic Committee, about Cross-cultural aspects in M&A.
The conference session ended with a presentation delivered by Marco Izzo, COO of GCG and GGI, who provided an overview of the developments within the GCG networks, new members, tools and features, future events and the private Deal Sharing Platform accessible at The rest of the programme followed that of the GGI World Conference.